Mark had the fastest swim at the 2007 Ironman World Championship in 49:50. He swam 46:11 at the 2008 Subaru Ironman Canada.
Yvonne won 2009 Ironman Cozumel and swam in her XTERRA Velocity ++ speedsuit.
Austin Runner Magzine: Triathlon Swim Survival: Tips To Get A Novice Through The Race’s First Leg
By Patrick Evoe, professional triathlete.
One of the biggest barriers of entry into triathlon is the swim portion of the race. The majority of the sport’s beginners don’t have anywhere near the same apprehension and anxiety towards cycling and running as they do to open water swimming and group starts. This article is intended to provide general tips to help the triathlon novice get through the swim. These tips alone won’t make anyone first out of the water, but for those of you who face your first few triathlon swims, there may be a few nuggets of advice from my racing experience to help make your open water racing experience much more comfortable.
Happy Training!